Daritech has developed a long-term bedding solution for dairy farmers that use recycled manure as bedding as an alternative to continually purchasing new bedding. Scraped manure, or dewatered flush manure, is fed directly into an EYS Separator specially designed to provide the ideal feedstock for the BeddingMaster composter, which consists of manure solids at 35% dry matter. The separated solids are fed into the BeddingMaster by passing through the fixed opening in the entry end.
The beauty of composting manure solids is that the aerobic bacteria which consume the organic matter are already in the solids, courtesy of the dairy cows. Once inside the BeddingMaster, the bugs proliferate as they finish the job begun in the cow’s stomachs. A blower pulls air through the drum, ensuring an ample air supply, which mixes with the solids that are tumbling from the rotation of the drum. Within just a few hours, the activity of the bacteria has brought the temperature to over 150°F, where it stays as the material moves through the drum like a plug.